History of the College

The Committee of Management S.K.P.D & Charities founded Sri Kanyaka Parameswari Arts and Science College for Women to promote Women’s Education in 1999. The foundation stone of the college building was laid by the then Education Minister Mr.K.Anbazhagan and he also graced the inaugural function.

Sri Kanyaka Parameswari Arts & Science College is located in the busiest commercial area in Chennai. The Committee of Management have deep faith in Sanathana Dharma and therefore gave emphasis to rich Indian tradition for the development of the personality of Young Indian Women, imparting values of compassion, tolerance, understanding, care, service and love. They believe in motivating the student community by inculcating value system in them, through 3P’s i.e Perseverance, Performance and Progress.

Today with the combined efforts of SKPC FAMILY, the institution has 115 Teaching & Non-Teaching staff, 1824 students and 12 UG, 3 PG and one Full Time &  Part Time Ph.D.(Commerce)  programme.

The Institution has completed 25 successful years of experience in the field of education. In the journey of SKPC, 562 students have secured University Top Ten Ranks.

The Institution is affiliated to the University of Madras.  The curriculum is formulated and framed by the University of Madras (CBCS Pattern-Choice Based Credit System) to enhance and enrich students’ knowledge in different disciplines.

The institution is reaccredited by NAAC, ISO certified, obtained 2f and Linguistic Telugu Minority status.

Milestone of SKPC

  • 1999 – Affiliation for B.Com – Commerce, B.Sc.(Computer Science) and BBA
  • 2000 – Affiliation for B.Com.(Corporate Secretaryship), BCA and B.Sc.(Mathematics)
  • 2003 – Affiliation for B.Sc.(Psychology), B.Sc.( Home Science – Interior Design Décor) and B.A.(Sociology)
  • 2004 – Affiliation for M.Com – Commerce
  • 2005 – Affiliation for M.A.(Human Resource Management) and M.Sc.(Information Technology)
  • 2006 – Affiliation for B.Com. Commerce (Section 2)
  • 2012 – Entered into Limca Book of Records for Kurti Designing
  • 2013 – Affiliation for M.Sc.(Home Science – Interior Design Décor) & Status of ISO Certified Institution
  • 2014 – Removal of TASMAC shop which was situated within the 50 meters of the Institution for the safety of students and public.
  • 2015 – Inception of Shift-II and Affiliation for B.A. (English), B.Com. (Accounting & Finance), B.Com. (Bank  Management), B.Sc. (Computer Science) and B.Sc. (Maths with Computer Application)
  • 2016- Affiliation for M.Sc. (Computer Science) &  Accredited by NAAC
  • 2017- Affiliation for B.Com. (Hons.) and M.Phil. (Commerce)
  • 2018- Achieved 47th, 91st and 92nd Ranking in Computer Application, Arts & Science respectively for the  Academic year 2017 – 2018 in the Survey conducted by India Today.
  • The B.B.A programme was ranked 74th for the academic year 2017-2018 in a survey conducted by  Times of India.
  • 2019 – Recognized under section 2(f) of the UGC Act. 1956 under the head ‘Non-Government Colleges Teaching up to Master’s Degree’. In India Today survey 2019 on ‘The Best Colleges of India’ the institution achieved 57th  rank in Computer application, 98th rank in Arts, 92nd  rank in Science, 126th  rank in commerce and 80th rank in BBA.
  • 2020 – Linguistic (Telugu) Minority Institution Conferred by the Government of Tamil Nadu
  • 2021 – B.A. (Criminology and Police Administration) in Shift – I & B.Com (General)Shift-II, College Received “Best Online Education Award ” from News18 for Promoting Tamil Nadu as one of the premium Education Destination in India. 
  • 2022 – Reaccredited by NAAC, Education World Ranking – 6th  in State Level and 67th  in National Level
  • 2023 – Silver Jubilee Celebration
  • 2024 – Kalam’s World Record – Formation of Thiruvalluvar by SKPC Students.

Entrepreneurial Development Programme

To make the students self-reliant the empowerment programme was introduced in the academic year 2005-2006. The empowerment programme enables the students to acquire knowledge skills and techniques which helps them in their personal and social growth as well as fosters sensitivity towards society and it always strives to provide space for the students to develop their entrepreneurial skills. This makes the students to become the job-providers rather than the job-seekers.

SKPC provide Diploma and certificate courses in collaboration with Global Software Solutions.  With the futuristic development and for the welfare of the students, the Management bears the course fee for all the first years to get enhanced in their respective Skill Set. The Diploma and Certificate courses offered under National Centre for Vocational and Technical Education (NCVTE) – MHRD, Government of India are:

  • Diploma in Fashion Design.
  • Diploma in Bakery Baking Technician
  • Diploma in Tally ERP 9.
  • Diploma in Beauty Technician.

The Institution introduced NSQF aligned Vocational Training Programme on Logistics in the year 2022. The certificate is issued by Logistic Sector Skill Council of India.

SKPC Clubs

“The Best Way to find you is to lose yourself in the service of others……”

At SKPC, the students are emphasized to participate in co-scholastic activities through various social clubs. These clubs act as platforms to shape their personal interests, to learn, to exhibit their leadership and social skills and to develop their personality through community services.

The SKPC clubs are –

  • National Service Scheme Club
  • Youth Red Cross Club
  • Rotaract Club
  • Karuna Club
  • Eco Club
  • Citizen Consumer Club
  • Quiz Club
  • Young India
  • Red Ribbon Club
  • Electoral Literacy Club
  • Anti Drug Club

The volunteers of various clubs involve in various services like, cleaning, education, awareness programmes and rallies, health camps, etc. Special camps are held in villages and the volunteers involve themselves and the villagers in various events for the development of the village. This helps them to understand and to accept civic responsibilities and act accordingly with humanitarian concerns.


Adoption of SRS Sarvodhaya Girls Hostel

The SKPC staff and students extend their knowledge & service to fulfil the needs and requirements of the Sarvodhya girls so that they will be able to face the Global Challenges. The activities for the Sarvodhaya girls are: Tuitions, skill training programme, awareness programme, counselling and career guidance.



Weekly once food packets are distributed to the needy people. The food for this purpose is prepared in the temple Anna Chatram. The students take full effort to reach the real destitute who are on the road sides.

Placement Consortium

“The best way to predict your future is to create it……”

SKPC supports the students to create their futures with the help of the Placement Consortium which was incepted in the academic year 2006-2007. The main aim of the consortium is to shape the students and kindle the light within them. The consortium operates round the year and makes the students to meet the high industry expectations. It organizes various career guidance programmes to sharpen their skills and instills full confidence by incorporating each and every aspect of their personalities. The consortium helps students to understand their strengths and abilities and to identify their weaknesses to develop their skills.

The increase in number of placements year after year is a testimony to the quality of the staff and to the quality of education provided. This legacy will be continued in the years to come. Approximately 3000 students got placed in Top MNC’s like TCS, Sutherland, WIPRO , L&T, INFOSYS, RR Donnelley etc.,


“Science, Education, Research and Innovation are the four pillars on which the development as well as the work culture of a nation rests……”

The role of research is significant in academic institutions for its sustainability and development. The quality of research work directly translates to the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom. SKPC gives high priority to research and allocates a lot of funds to provide an environment that encourages the students and faculties to seek out research opportunities. IQAC of SKPC organizes various Faculty Development Programmes to enrich the faculty members in key domains of education like teaching, assessing, research and administration. Various Seminars and Conferences are held regularly by various departments to provide opportunities for the researchers to present their research and get input from other researchers and experts.

  • Total no. of research papers published in Journals by students is 198.
  • Total no. of research papers published in Journals by faculty is 250 (Approx.).
  • Total no. of books published by faculty is 5.


(Various trust, government, Concession for PG students and Sports students….)

In todays’ world, education has become one of the most essential and expensive assets.  Financial aid helps the needy students to pursue their dream and march to bright future. Scholarship can make difference in one’s life. It reduces the risk of dropping out and concentrating on career and future. We at SKPC believe in ‘Helping your Dream’ thought and provide scholarship to the deserving students.

  • Free seats are provided to Telugu speaking students and fee concession is given to students who have completed the 12th STD from K.T.C.T. School.
  • Sports Students are given fee concession.
  • The SC and ST Students receive Govt. scholarships.
  • To enhance the level of confidence and sense of accomplishment. The college management and private bodies gives scholarships to the students.
  • Students who continue to pursue their PG in SKPC are provided with fee concession.

Students Exchange Programme

“Collaborate with people you can learn from…..”

To bridge the gap between the academics and the job market and to survive in this competitive world, the colleges are required to provide a platform to the students as well as teachers to interact and participate with other institutions, organizations and associations. The organizations offer its expertise through the conduction of Guest Lectures, Workshops, Courses and Faculty Development Training programmes on advanced topics. Also, it helps the students to carry out their internships and projects in their areas of interest. In this way the organizations share their industrial knowledge with the students. The commitment to promote and recognize scholarly achievements, the College has signed MOUs with 23 organizations and is a member of 9 associations. Namely : TIME Education, AIMS Academy, CADD labs, International Journal of Creative Research an Thoughts, CSIM, Madras Management Association, Home Science Association of India, Madras Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MCCI), ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu, Library Network Centre (DELNET), Computer Society of India, Member of University of Madras Library, British Council Library (Online), etc.

Students make a great learning experience as they are exposed to working culture of global environment. SKPC, organizes student exchange programs to enlighten the students with the intricacies of operations in foreign lands. This helps them to discover another culture and truly become global citizens. It broadens their general knowledge and enhances their interests in global issues. It also enhances the self-confidence and self-esteem of the students. It provides the students an opportunity to develop their civic responsibility, culture understanding, learn about other societies, broaden youth experiences, international perspectives, understand different cultures and  exchange  of ideas, interaction with political leaders and policy makers. Orientation programmes are conducted to create awareness on importance of foreign exchange programme for students. In 2018-2019, Youth Red Cross of SKPC organized India-Srilanka Youth Exchange Programme where-in Srilankan delegates visited the college. The institution was recognized by Audacious Dream Foundation at Srilankan Deputy High commission office. The students were recognized by Common Wealth Student Association, National Career Service, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India, Rajiv Gandhi National Institute and Audacious Dream Foundation. In 2019-2020, 4 students, Ms. Kirthana. P, Ms. Sushmitha .S and P. Krishna Priya of III B.Sc. (Psy) and Ms. Rohini of I B.Com ‘B’ visited Malaysia under the ‘Youth Exchange Program’. Ms. A. Hemalatha, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Commerce was Technical Session Chair and Invited Speaker at the International Conference on Economics, Management and Social Study (ICEMSS) held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia under the Youth Exchange Program.

In the era of globalization education should be learning beyond the classroom and engaging in real world experience. The curriculum is enriched with experiential learning which provides an opportunity to the students to bring to light their curiosity and supports success. The adaptability and accessibility of the curriculum meets students’ needs and capabilities. The students are encouraged to undergo experiential learning in the form of internship and industrial visit which help them to transit more gracefully from college to work.