SKPC Clubs


Fine arts association “Kalalaya” functions under the team of staff members to reinforce the extra-curricular talents of the students. Various cultural progammes were conducted.

  • SNIGDA – Fresher’s day was celebrated to exhibit the innate talent of the 1st year students.
  • KRISHNA JAYANTHI was Celebrated in a traditional manner and Rangoli competition & PowerPoint presentation were conducted on that day.
  • ESHA – Inter Departmental Cultural show was conducted for our girls to inculcate competitive spirit among students.
  • CHAITANYA – Inter-Collegiate fest.
  • NAVARATHIRI CELEBRATION – Our girls are performing variety of cultural programmes in Sri Kanyaka Parameswari Temple.
  • PONGAL CELEBRATION – Replica of village and traditional folk dances, Rangoli and Pongal making competition were conducted.
  • COLLEGE DAY – Variety of cultural programmes including Drama, Western dance etc.,


It is truly said that JANA SEVA is JANARDHANA SEVA. Different clubs of our college functions with a mission to cultivate the spirit of SEVA, compassion, responsibility, modesty, vigor, and dedication among our students and engaged them in various activities.


Under the guidance of our staff members, the NSS Units of our college have involved in the following activities.

  • NSS Special camp for a period of 7 days.
  • On Aids day, awareness of program will be conducted.
  • Various activities on “Swachh Bharat” Mission.
  • Conducting awareness programs on social issues like female infanticide, Leprosy etc.,
  • Arranging health camps to the staff ,students & the public.
  • Preventing measures against dengue by distributing nilavembu drink to students and the Public.
  • Rendering service at Jeeyar Educational Trust & Thirumala.
  • Traditional foods stall during pongal Celebrations.


YRC is made up of young people. Young volunteers make significant contribution to meet the needs of the most vulnerable people.
Yearly activities

  • Blood donation camp.
  • Medical camp.
  • Visit to Blind School.
  • Hospital Service.
  • Disaster Management Programme.
  • First Aid.
  • Awareness Programmes – Health Care.
  • Noble Bazaar.


The Rotaract Club organises the following activities to address the social needs of the people.

  • Orientation programme for first year students about Rotaract.
  • Awareness on Basic Life support – First Aid.
  • Thought to ponder – new word for the day, Swamy Vivekanandar Quotes are written on the Notice board in our college campus.
  • Donated Food to poor people on Vinayagar Chaturthi
  • Organized Noble bazaar.


Citizen Consumer Club has provided students a platform to showcase their own views and ideas on Consumer issues.Club organized various activities like Paper presentations, Face painting, Slogan writing, Re-use the used.Club conducted an awareness programme among students and Seminar on the topic “Rights and Responsibilities of Consumers.”


  • “Feed the Need” – Weekly once distribute food pockets to the needy people
    Paper bag making.
  • Visiting Goshala.
  • Awareness Programmes.
  • Competitions like essay writing, Drawing, Painting, Mime, best out of waste etc.,


Eco-Club, having the responsibility of bringing awareness among the student community in preserving the nature and the incorporation of the motto, “Reduce, Recycle and Reuse”


  • Conducting Competitions related with the environmental issues.
  • Awareness programmes on plastic usages and its dangerous impacts.
  • Training Programmes on Terrace Gardening.
  • Taking an initiative in making a Green Campus.
  • Stressing the importance of using Organic seeds and fertilizers in gardening.


The Quiz Club aims at identifying students talented in Quiz and creating opportunities for them to sharpen their quizzing skills.


  • The Quiz Club conducts a General Quiz competition on current affairs and Indian Independence.
  • A General Quiz competition on Swamivivekananda and current affairs is organized as a part of National youth day celebration.
  • Quiz Club Organises a General Quiz competition on current affairs & G.K. at the inter collegiate Fest Chaitanya.
  • Quiz Club Organises a General Quiz competition on Republic Day.

Quiz Club updates the Knowledge of the students in various field like academic, general knowledge, quantitative and logical reasoning.


Our college in association with the Confederation of Indian Industry, Young Indians (CII-YI) aims at creating a platform for the students to ideate, plan and execute various initiatives. We primarily focus on motivating the club members in serving our nation through leadership and team work. The YI YUVA Club of SKPC develops the student by cultivating thoughts towards nation building and community service.

We strongly believe that Young minds are the future of our nation. Young achievers of Young Indians organization through various events and activities, inspire our students to think about their personal growth and growth of India. The following are some of the takeaways that a student gains through the Club activities.

  • Leadership qualities by helping them bridging the gap between Youth and the Nation.
  • Volunteering for the initiatives.
  • Team building as they work as a cross functional team.
  • Skill Development such as communication, time management, public speaking, critical thinking etc.,
  • Personal Development by improving their self confidence and goal setting ideas.
  • Exposure and experiences through the activities conducted at Chapter and National Level.


           A significant portion of the young people eventually become addicted and pose a threat to their own health and safety, while at the same time creating untold misery for their families and the public. In view of the problem in the present situation, Sri Kanyaka Parameswari College of Arts and Sciences for Women, initiated the Anti-Drugs Club in 2021.  The Anti-Drugs Unit was created to ensure a drug-free environment by eradicating the possession or consumption of drugs and alcohol on or off campus. The roles and responsibilities includes organizing awareness programs at the college with the assistance of government accredited agencies / organizations and also educate the students about the dangers of drugs and alcohol, to promote co-policing among students against drug use.


Electoral literacy club has incepted in the academic year 2023 – 2024. The club has taken initiatives to educate the students about voter registration electoral process and related matters.

ELC  strives to make the public to realize their voting duty by organizing outreach programmes in public places like street play. It helps them to understand the value of their vote to ensure that they exercise their suffrage right in a confident, comfortable and ethical manner.

ELC also facilitates voter registration for its eligible members who have yet to register.